College and career pathways expand economic opportunity while preparing students for career and life success. Completing a high-quality college and career pathway improves academic achievement and increases the likelihood of graduating high school, being prepared for college level coursework, developing employability skills and securing a living wage job. Pathways do this by helping students to navigate the complex array of postsecondary and training options they face.

College & Career Pathways Outcomes

  1. Aligned, integrated, and sustained grades 6-16 career pathways for all
  2. A system that produces leaners who can adapt to changing workforce
  3. Increased number of skilled professionals with a degree or certificate that holds value to employers and leads to a living-wage career
  4. A collaborative system that increases active engagement in the local community

Career Pathways Design Components

To support the Hawai‘i Regional Pathway Grant Initiative, Hawai‘i P-20 & Jobs for the Future (JFF) developed a set of quality components to inform the design and implementation of career pathways. These reflect five critical design components are necessary to build a high-quality career pathway.

Leadership Structures for Cross-sector Partnerships

Creating cross-sector leadership to establish and operationalize the vision for pathways implementation.

Alignment with Labor Market Demand

Using data to identify growing industries and occupations as well as skills and credentials needed to succeed in careers.

Rigorous Academics

Designing academic programs that span secondary education and extend and align through a postsecondary credential with labor market value.

Work-Based Learning

Creating a continuum of personalized student learning experiences aligned with specific industries and occupations.

College & Career Advising & Counseling

Integrating advising and counseling to support students’ informed educational and career choices.

Implementation of Regional Alignment Work

Sharing examples of current pathway work in Hawai‘i.

Hawai‘i College & Career Navigators

Ensuring students from diverse backgrounds successfully transition into a college and career path after high school graduation.

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