Career and Technical Education (CTE) is an educational program that aligns academic standards with technical knowledge and skills to prepare students for careers in current or emerging occupations and further education. CTE is the only educational program in which course content is guided by business and industry input.
Office of the State Director for Career and Technical Education Merges with Hawai‘i P-20
The University of Hawaiʻi Board of Regents approved the merger of the Office of the State Director for Career and Technical Education (OSDCTE) with Hawaiʻi P–20 Partnerships for Education. The change was effective July 1, 2021.
Perkins V
Perkins V is a federal education program that invests in secondary, postsecondary and adult Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the territories.
CTE Programs
There are a number of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs at our Hawai‘i Department of Education High Schools and at our University of Hawai‘i Community Colleges.
Civil Rights
Hawai‘i’s public education institutions have existing and ongoing responsibilities towards civil rights compliance as (sub)recipients of direct and indirect monies and support from the U.S. D.O.E..
CTE Publications
Free resources, publications and documents pertaining to Career and Technical Education.