Integrated college and career advising and counseling supports students’ informed educational and career choices. Students learn about a range of college and career options— and the education requirements linked to careers of interest—through a sequence of developmentally appropriate activities, beginning in middle school and progressing to comprehensive advising in high school and postsecondary. Students develop personal transition plans and receive counseling and personalized supports based on their identified needs and goals.

Three Focus Area and Required Competencies

College Readiness

  • Students will understand the types of available resources and engage in opportunities that best prepares them for a post-secondary degree and/or other credentials.
  • Students will understand the knowledge & process for post-secondary enrollment that will best prepare them for a degree and/or other credentials.
  • Students will acquire and implement practical knowledge, learning skills, and cognitive strategies to enable successful transitions from high school to post-secondary programs.

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Career Readiness

  • Students will understand the relationship between education, required training and resources that best prepare them for the world of work.
  • Students will acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and personal qualities to make informed career decisions.
  • Students will set goals, employ strategies, and build employability skills through work-based learning experiences to achieve future career goals

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Community Readiness

  • Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships in local and global communities.
  • Students will develop self-awareness and self-management skills to make decisions, set goals, and take necessary action to achieve goals that promote local and global well-being.
  • Students will understand and demonstrate responsible behavior, safety, survival skills in personal, school, and community contexts

Coming Soon

Education Data

8th graders who earned at least one D or F in a core academic course in 9th grade

Research shows that course performance in 9th grade is a strong predictor of on-time high school graduation and course failure
College & Career Pathways, College & Career Advising & Counseling

College & Career Readiness Indicators

Career Readiness, College & Career Advising & Counseling, College Readiness


Hawaiʻi Counseling and Advising Issue Brief

There are approximately 10,000 high school graduates each year in Hawaiʻi who need to make the decision of what to do as a young adult. For many of these high school seniors, the process of deciding what to do after high school can be extremely daunting, especially for students from disadvantaged populations. The demand for high-quality and equitable counseling and advising services to prepare students for life after secondary school has been a historical challenge to address. With large numbers of students on campuses and limited time capacity of educators and staff, the need to provide every individual student with a high-quality education and student services has been overwhelming to our public school systems.

See full Issue Brief

Download Issue Brief (PDF)

2023 Promising Credentials in Hawai‘i

The Promising Credentials Report is a report to identify high-value industry credentials that prepare students for careers in Hawai‘i.

Identifying the right credentials to offer students matters now more than ever. Our state must make sure we are preparing students for jobs that are forecasted to increase in demand, pay a family sustaining wage, and have a promising career ladder. Through intensive labor market analysis and outreach to local Hawai‘i businesses, a list of Promising Credentials was also created that are associated with in-demand, living wage occupations throughout the state.

See 2023 Promising Credentials Report (PDF)

Financial Aid Toolkit

Financial Aid Toolkit for High School Counselors  Various resources and handouts to help promote FAFSA Completion to students and familiesResources
Career Readiness, College Readiness

Financial Aid Resources for Students & Families

Career Readiness, College Readiness

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