Hawaii P-20 announces the Early Childhood Workforce Stabilization & Compensation Assistance (ECWSCA) Program

Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education is accepting applications for the Preschool Development Grant Birth through five Early Childhood Workforce Stabilization & Compensation Assistance (ECWSCA) Program. Similar to the Hawaii Department of Human Services’ Supplemental Grant Child Care Grant Program, the purpose of ECWSCA is to stabilize and compensate the early childhood workforce, specifically for the license-exempt providers or licensed-providers who have not participated in DHS’ supplemental child care grant program.

The application deadline is Friday, October 18, 2024, at 4:00 PM HST. For more information, please see here:


Applicants will be required to provide the following documentation:

  • Completed Early Childhood Workforce Stabilization & Compensation Assistance Program Application
    • If submitting for multiple facilities, submit one application per facility.
    • The application form(s) must be signed (ink and digital signatures are both accepted).
  • Copy of License or Documentation of License Exemption, if applicable
  • Documentation of Good Standing with DHS, if applicable
  • Completed W-9 Form (https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf)
    • The W-9 form should include the name associated with the Federal Taxpayer Identification Number of the Applicant for which the application is being submitted. If you are a sole proprietor and file business taxes using your Social Security Number, your name should be on the W-9 form. If you use an EIN to file your business taxes, the legal name of the business should be on the W-9 form.
    • The W-9 form must be signed (ink and digital signatures are both accepted).
  • Valid Tax Clearance from the Hawaii Department of Taxation and the U.S. Internal Revenue Service