Data Insights Webinar: 1st Year College-Level English and Math

Hawai‘i P-20 Partnerships for Education is pleased to announce the next webinar in our Data Insights series highlighting data to improve equitable student outcomes along the education to workforce pipeline.

First Year Completion of English and Math: Supporting College Success will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. This webinar will examine how earning credit in college-level English and Math courses by the end of a student’s first year of college impacts their trajectory towards earning an award. Disparities between sub-populations will also be highlighted throughout the presentation.

Register for the webinar here:

For those unable to attend, this webinar will be recorded and a notification will be sent when the recording is available.

For more information, please contact Tracy Hongo via e-mail at: