Hawai‘i P-20 Partnerships for Education is pleased to announce the start of the Hawai‘i P-20 Data Insights webinar series focused on highlighting data to improve equitable student outcomes along the education to workforce pipeline.

The first webinar in the series, Exploring the Healthcare Career Pathway, will be held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 from 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.  This presentation will examine the current status of the Healthcare career pathway from K-12 to the University of Hawai’i and into the workforce, and where there may be opportunities to better support students through the pathway.

Webinar Agenda:

  • Data Presentation (45 min. with time for Q&A)
    Overview of the K-12, postsecondary, and workforce data related to the Healthcare career pathway that work towards the overall statewide goal of increasing underrepresented healthcare graduates earning living wages in Hawai‘i.
  • Discussion (30 min.)
    Group discussions about data shown in the presentation and how it could help to inform student support activities and/or made more useful.

Register for the Webinar here.

For more information, please contact Tracy Hongo at: tlh@hawaii.edu.