We are proud to announce the compilation of data for all four goals of Hawaiʻi Graduates for Hawaiʻi’s Future.
Hawaiʻi Graduates for Hawaiʻi’s Future (HGHF) is a state goal by the Hawaiʻi P-20 Council that explicitly commits to aligning educational attainment with Hawaiʻi’s workforce and economic development needs, empowering individuals to achieve their career goals here at home.
The Hawaiʻi Graduates for Hawaiʻi’s Future Attainment Goals and Metrics Overview:
Goal 1: Universal access to high-quality learning opportunities
- High-quality early learning programs positively impact young children, from birth to age 5, especially for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged children. Goal 1 metrics include students’ prior early learning experiences and Kindergarten Entry Assessment.
Goal 2: Universal preparation of every K-12 student throughout their education for college, career, and citizenship
- The K-12 experience provides a strong foundation for all students to engage in career exploration and embrace lifelong learning. Goal 2 metrics report student centered data such as subject proficiency, on-time graduation, and college enrollment, as well as educators’ training.
Goal 3: Universal access to postsecondary opportunity and success
- Living-wage jobs both now and in the future require additional education and/or training after high school graduation. Goal 3 metrics assess credentialed postsecondary graduates, postsecondary access and success, residents with postsecondary degrees, and degrees and certificates awarded to adult learners seeking upskilling or opportunities for career mobility.
Goal 4: Universal education and training of Hawaiʻi residents to fill and create living wage jobs available across the state
- The jobs of the future in Hawaiʻi will be created and filled by today’s students with high-valued degrees and credentials, allowing for economic mobility and ensuring these positions and workers stay in Hawaiʻi. Goal 4 metrics show postsecondary graduates in high skill, high wage, and high demand fields, postsecondary graduates in the same category who are working in Hawaiʻi, and work-based learning experiences.
Hawaiʻi P-20 will continue to track and report the state’s progress over time and release new data as it becomes available.
To further explore the metrics and dashboards for each HGHF goal, please visit HawaiiGraduatesforHawaiisFutur