2 male and 2 female students sitting on a bench

Latest Data Reports


8th graders who earned at least one D or F in a core academic course in 9th grade

Research shows that course performance in 9th grade is a strong predictor of on-time high school graduation and course failure in 9th grade a strong
College & Career Advising & Counseling, College & Career Pathways, Dashboard, K-12

5th graders who met or exceeded standard in reading and mathematics in 8th grade

Research shows that students scoring proficient or above in English and mathematics in 8th grade are more likely to finish high school and enroll in
Dashboard, K-12

College & Career Readiness Indicators

Career Readiness, College & Career Advising & Counseling, College & Career Readiness, College & Career Readiness Indicators, College Readiness, Dashboard

Hawai‘i P-20’s data team develops reports to share best practices using data collected and analyzed on various college and career readiness initiatives.

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