Purpose and Function in a High-Quality Pathways System
Hawai’i work-based learning intermediaries act on behalf of our local workforce and education system to connect our students to structured, industry-specific work-based learning opportunities with partner employers. Work-based learning intermediaries are critical partners in designing and implementing high-quality work-based learning at scale by carrying out key functions and providing regional infrastructure to the state’s work-based learning delivery system.
For more resources and information about work-based learning, visit the Hawai’i P-20 Work-Based Learning resource page
To learn more about work-based learning intermediaries and connect with one in your region, contact Ryan Shimabukuro (ryanshim@hawaii.edu) or complete this form.
Who we are
Support cross-sector partnerships
- Convene education, industry, and other community partners around a vision for WBL in the region
- Design, broker and aggregate opportunities for sequenced work-based learning
- Prepare both students and employers for work-based learning placements
- Analyze and share labor market data to inform programs and provide opportunities for students to learn, live, work and stay in their communities
- Work with community-based organizations (CBOs) to facilitate student supports as needed
- Support alignment of available WBL opportunities to HIDOE CTE standards
- Co-design WBL assessment strategies with educator and industry partners, including aggregating data
Support K-12 and postsecondary institutions
- Prepare students with the technical and employability skills needed to succeed in WBL
- Ensure that WBL is fully integrated with classroom learning and pathways, including co-designing WBL activities
- Support teachers in understanding or managing the process of implementing work-based learning activities (such as internships) and related requirements
- Broker WBL opportunities for teachers and counselors, including externships
- Look across programs to promote equity and access in WBL for underrepresented students and underrepresented programs of study
- Provide outreach to industries that are not supported with class offerings in HIDOE/UHCC to create awareness of different industries available for students.
- Partner with HIDOE-OCID to provide training with educators, where necessary
Support industry partners and local workforce
- Work with industry partners to structure WBL opportunities, including drafting job descriptions and designing programs
- Prepare students and families for participation in WBL
- Manage logistics and find solutions to any legal or liability concerns, including safety aspects and Risk and Release responsibilities
- Develop a WBL training that provides employers with guidance and resources to support WBL
- Intermediaries may also support coordination and costs of HIDOE background checks.