Latest Data Reports

Postsecondary progress years 1 to 6 after high school

This metric shows high school graduates’ annual progress towards a postsecondary degree/certificate 1 to 6 years after high school ...
Dashboard, Post Secondary, Postsecondary

8th graders who graduated high school on time

Research shows that students who graduate high school on time are more likely to enroll in postsecondary education and ultimately have higher earnings and better ...
Dashboard, K-12

8th graders promoted on time to 10th grade

Research shows that on-time promotion to 10th grade is a strong predictor of on-time high school graduation, and students who are promoted on time are ...
Dashboard, K-12

8th graders on track to graduate high school with expected number of 9th grade credits

Research shows that earning sufficient credits in 9th grade is a strong predictor of on-time high school graduation ...
Dashboard, K-12

Hawai‘i P-20’s data team develops reports to share best practices using data collected and analyzed on various college and career readiness initiatives.

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