The Employer Engagement Menu (EEM) provides a list of suggested Work-Based Learning activities arranged along a continuum. Employers can view the amount of time and staffing each activity may require. This resource can be used to help schools and industry collaborate to provide opportunities for students to prepare for their future careers.
View definitions of menu options
Continuum Level
This menu organizes opportunities by continuum levels.
- Awareness level activities that help students learn about the wide range of options available to them;
- Exploration level activities that strengthen student understanding of the connection between classroom learning and “real-world” applications;
- Preparation level activities that give students extended, supervised opportunities to develop readiness skills for work and live; and
- Training level activities that help students for entry into specific careers.
Time Commitment
This menu organizes opportunities by the general range of time each activity would ask of collaborators. Activities range in time commitment from hours to months.
Recommended Staffing
This menu organizes opportunities by the amount of people a collaborator may need to have available to help with an activity. Activities are arranged by none, few, some, and many.
This menu organizes opportunities by recommended format(s). Opportunities can be sorted by school donation, on-campus, off-campus, and virtual formats.
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